Does your unhealthy employees cost you $$$?
We all know, or should know, being UN-healthy doesn’t happen overnight.
I could go in so many directions of what is healthy but in this blog we will focus on one.
The fuel that feeds us.

Think about the Standard American Diet ...
According to the CDC, "only 12% of Americans eat The recommended amount of fruits and veggies every day. They consume more than 13% of their daily calories in the form of added sugars, high intake of red meat, processed meat, pre-packaged foods, butter, fried foods, high-fat dairy products, eggs, refined grains, potatoes, corn (and high-fructose corn syrup) and high-sugar drinks.
Beverages such as flavored water, soft drinks, and sweetened caffeinated beverages make up 47% of these added sugars."

"Americans ages 1 and above consume significantly more added sugars, oils, saturated fats, and sodium than recommended in the Dietary Guidelines outlined by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. 89% of Americans consume more sodium than recommended.
Additionally, excessive consumption of oils, saturated fats, and added sugars is seen in 72%, 71%, and 70% of the American population, respectively."

"Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables is associated with a decreased risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers.
Research also has found that replacing foods of high energy density (high calories per weight of food) with foods of lower energy density, such as fruits and vegetables, can be an important part of a weight-management strategy."
The social and physical environment of the workplace can influence the health behaviors of individuals.
Many people spend the majority of their time at a workplace,
and they eat at least one meal and several snacks while there.
About half of workers who responded to a national survey in 2003 indicated that they bought their lunch at work at least twice a week.
Among workers who bought a lunch, 43% typically bought it at a fast-food restaurant,
and 25% bought their lunch at an on-site cafeteria or sandwich shop.
A study that was completed last year states "More than half (56%) of employed Americans who typically eat lunch during work hours struggle to eat a healthy lunch at work" So not much has changed other than employees are interested in improving the healthfulness of their typical workday lunch.
Educating individuals on the benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is important; but alone, these efforts are not enough. To change behavior and improve dietary habits, experts recommend a collective approach that improves the availability and affordability of healthy foods where Americans live, work, learn, and play.

Making your workplace healthier benefits both the business and the people who work there.
A company’s most important asset is its people.
A healthier workforce that requires fewer sick days and works at peak productivity can sustain your organization’s competitive edge. Worksite wellness programs have Demonstrated $3.50-to-$1 savings-to-cost ration in reduced absenteeism and healthcare costs.
An employee wellness program can:
• Reduce absenteeism
• Increase productivity
• Reduce healthcare costs
• Improve employee health, energy and morale
• Improve a business’s work culture and environment
But let's take it a little further.
What if you have healthier employees? What does their immune system look like?
With a healthier immune system individuals are able to defend themselves from many sickness and disease. Their rebound is quicker so that means less sick days and feeling better faster.
This is an interesting circle for the lives of everyone.
Taking that first step can literally change a life and their future.

Keep in mind, what we do "consistently" affects our health.
If we "consistently" eat good things then good things happen 🤗
If we "consistently" eat bad things bad things happen 🤒
According to the CDC only 1 in 10 of Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits and veggies every day. 😲
Eating something as simple as an 🍎 a day can supply your body with hundreds, if not thousands of nutrients/phytonutrients .

Knowledge with action and understanding will make a difference.
Did you know ...
An apple skin contains the flavonoid quercetin, which can help regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation? 😉
And if you did know, most chronic disease is due to inflammation and is preventable.
Imagine if we had been eating a diet filled with a variety of fruits and veggies our entire life. A diet with no inflammatory foods or junk food - aka processed food? How healthy would our nation be in today?
Make today awesome and invest in you and your employees!

Bottom line The Healthiest employees can cost companies half the healthcare costs.
Written by Miranda Griffin, Juice Plus+ Wellness Coordinator